Congratulations on the acceptance of you abstract for an “Poster Discussion”.
Your Poster File will be displayed on the conference venue, and you will give a Poster presentation in the lecture room.
Please read the guidelines below carefully and prepare your Poster File accordingly.
1. Each presenter will be allocated 9 minutes in total (7 minutes for the presentation, followed by 2 minutes for Q&A).
Please ensure that you strictly adhere to the allotted time.
2. All Presenters must submit Poster file for display and presentation.
To display and give a presentation on the conference venue, All Presenters should submit their Poster file by the following deadlines.
Poster File Submission Deadline: March 21 (Fri.) 23:59 p.m, 2025
Presentation file must meet the following criteria:
1. It is a one (1) page limit for the Poster Discussion File.
2. All contents should be included in ONE slide.
3. It is recommended to use Structured format provided below.
- Clinical/experimental contents: Background/ Methods/ Results/ Discussion/ Conclusion
- Case report: Introduction/ Case report/ Discussion/ Conclusion
4. Create contents of your Poster Discussion in the following format.
- Font: Calibri
- Font Size: Minimum 20pt
- File Size: Maximum 20MB
5. Any video and audio should not be allowed.
※ Poster file must strictly adhere to the given size format.
If your poster file does not match our specified size, your poster may not be displayed accurately.
All Presenters must register by the end of the Pre-registration date (April 6 (Sun.)).
If presenters do not register by deadline of pre-registration or on-site, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
**Pre-registration fees and on-site registration fees differ, so please take this into consideration.
If you need to withdraw or make any changes of your abstract, you should notify in writing to the KSCCM-ACCC 2025 Secretariat via E-mail( by March 21 (Fri.).
If you need to withdraw your abstract after this date, it will be marked as “withdrawn” on the contents of program and abstract book.